Longines Masters is a grand slam of indoor show jumping – renowned as one of the most prestigious equestrian events in the world. This annual event is established in three of the world’s most iconic cities, Paris, Hong Kong, and New York, and we were privileged to be brought onboard as the lead production house for New York’s 2019 show.
The mission behind the masterpiece is to bring together a spectrum of people: VIPs, global leaders, equestrian enthusiasts and of course, family and friends for a 3-day extravaganza of elite show jumping. On top of this, present elements of gastronomy, fashion, art, music and spectacular shows that create an everlasting sense of wonderment and inspiration.
As the chief production house, we executed all of the audio, lighting, video, and elements of staging, alongside stage management, trussing/rigging systems, and power distribution. It was a 360 production on a large scale, with this being one of our biggest projects to date! Production emphasis was placed on the horse show jumping, in particular, with mics hidden in the jumps to capture every audio moment. Lighting design was another big part of the project – think follow spots, footlights, long shadows, and super directional lighting to create stimulating, high contrast effects!
We topped off Saturday night with a VIP party to bring the event to a close. We filled the DJ rider for well known European DJ, Henri PFR, who has performed at mega festivals Lollapalooza and Tomorrowland.